Author Archives: Deborah Krueger

Julian Bakery’s Continuing Pathological Lies

Defense Nutrition vs Julian Bakery

Julian Bakery Going Around Coming Around
There is a term for what the Julian Bakery has practiced over the years called Economically Motivated Food Fraud EMFA and a more crude way of saying it might . . .

Just Delicious Diabetic Bakery Low Carb Scam
Moores Law As Applied To Most Alternative Sweeteners
Can Diabetes Really Be Cured? Yet?

Julian Bakery Fakery Crackery
The Julian Bakery has recently released two new products on the heels of their four recent epic paleo faileos which include Paleo . . .

Sugar Alcohols (Polyols) And Why I Don’t Use Them
Amazon Sues Over Fake Reviews
Victoria’s Review Of More Julian Bakery Chicanery
As stated elsewhere, I have a Google alert for the Julian Bakery and once in awhile something juicy comes to my inbox. This was one of those times. Here is Victoria’s . . .
Mauzone Mania-Another Low Carb Scam Artist Discovered
There is now a new low carb scam artist on the block going by the name Mauzone Mania and they are being sued. Mauzone Mania Lawsuit I didn’t . . .

Partial List Of Julian Bakery Paid Fake Amazon Reviewers

Anatomy Of An Amazon Sponsored Fake Reviewer

Consumers Beware: Amazon Reviews Are Being Deleted, Hidden And Faked
Julian Bakery Is Breaking Amazon Seller Policies
Julian Bakery, Cain Credicott, & Paleo Magazine

The Low Carb WiO Diet Scam

Julian Bakery Moldy Paleo Bars
Julian Bakery Is Falsely Labeling Their New Paleo Protein Bars-They Are…Not So Tasty…And…They Are Moldy Too
Julian Bakery Is Being Sued By FedEx
Julian Bakery Protein Bars Being Sold On Craigslist
Whey Low Sugar Scam

Beware The New Truvia Brown Sugar Blend

Eat-Rite Foods Busted And Out Of Business
Julian Bakery Closed
Julian Bakery Owners Mr. & Mrs. Narcissistic
More Evidence Of Heath Squier’s Pathological Lying
It seems to me that Heath Squier, owner and speaking for the Julian Bakery, is unable to tell the truth yet again. Below is a screen shot of Heath answering the question on Amazon: How big are the wraps? Heath’s answer: 8”x8”.
Clearly from the picture . . .
My Googled Website Terms For Heath Squier & Julian Bakery
These are some of My Googled Website Terms For Heath Squier & the Julian Bakery that people have used to land on my site to get information regarding JULIAN BAKERY Most are pretty funny…but maybe not to Heath Squier. Enjoy.
Another Julian Bakery FDA Warning Letter
Whole Foods Sued For Falsely Labeling Their Own 365 Brand
Are You Being Duped And Do You Like It?
FAKE Followers, FAKE Likes, FAKE Amazon Reviews-Do you really want to Follow, Like, or watch videos by someone buying FAKE anything, attempting to con you into believing they are far more popular than they are? Heath Squier of the JulianBakery . . .
Does Paleo Money Trump Paleo Ethics?
How Lovely Or Your FDA At Work For You
Julian Bakery Lawsuit Dismissal
Heath Squier has dismissed his own lawsuit
This is my explanation of the whole story and why he dismissed it. Julian Bakery Lawsuit
Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”. At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart . . .
Ex Parte Hearing

My Chobani Experiment: Apples To Apples
10/14/13 My Chobani Experiment Apples To Apples
Hamdi Ulukaya,the CEO, founder, and president of Chobani says it is the straining of the yogurt that makes the difference. Really? Straining for 8-9 minutes? In a centrifuge? Are you kidding me? Choban is NOT Greek yogurt by any . . .
Eau De Toast
09/18/13 This is just pretty funny. Eau De Toast: Combating Low-Carb Diets Through Bread-Scented Perfume.
Dreamfields Pasta Class Action Lawsuit
Threatening Letter From Heath Squier
Franken Foods-Franken Ingredients
This is my absolute favorite Frankenfood. This is a test. Before you look, see if you can figure out what this food product is and I’d bet you have eaten one.
- Would you know what the &%$# this product is? The answer is at the bottom.
- HINT: This product has a shelf life of 420 days.
- HINT: This product has been in the food recall news lately.
- Features & Benefits: A fully-enrobed product that allows eating on the go with no mess!
- Instruction: For food safety and quality, read and follow these COOKING INSTRUCTIONS:
1. Remove wrapper.
2. Cook according to instructions below.*
. . .
The US Government Trifecta-FDA-FTC-USDA
Odds & Ends
Other Personally Glucose Tested Products
All figures begin after overnight fasting.
I want to emphasize that I DO NOT inject insulin and I DO NOT take any diabetic drugs which in my opinion makes me a perfect guinea pig to test any supposed low carb product.
Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”. At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded: “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered: “I like it”…I like it too.
. . .
What on earth are lagniappes? and what on earth is a Food Lagniappe?
Merriam Webster Definition–is a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of purchase and more broadly something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure. . . .
Companies That Hit The Skids
Books I Have Read and Recommend and…These Have Nothing To Do With Food
Books I Have Read and Recommend and…These Have Nothing To Do With Food
- Confessions of an economic hit man / John Perkins *** Unbelievable
- Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers / Robert Zapolsky*** Endocrinologist and Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery at Stanford
- Alone together: why we expect more from technology and less from each other / Sherry Turkle***
- The body toxic: how the hazardous chemistry of everyday things threatens our health and well-being / Nena Baker
- Broken open: how difficult times can help us grow / Elizabeth Lesser
- The male brain / Louann Brizendine***Very informative and very funny
- Life without lawyers: liberating Americans from too much law / Philip K. Howard*** Terrific
- Big-box swindle: the true cost of mega-retailers and the fight for America’s independent businesses / Stacy Mitchell***
- The ascent of money: a financial history of the world / Niall Ferguson
- Freakonomics: a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything / Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner***
- Superfreakonomics: global cooling, patriotic prostitutes, and why suicide bombers should buy life insurance / Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner*** If you have not read these two books you need to, they are great. Read them in order
- Why we believe what we believe: uncovering our biological need for meaning, spirituality, and truth / Andrew Newberg, Mark Robert Waldman
- The tyranny of e-mail: the four-thousand-year journey to your inbox / John Freeman
- Disconnect: the truth about cell phone radiation, what the industry has done to hide it, and how to protect your family / Devra Davis***
- Liberty defined: 50 essential issues that affect our freedom / Ron Paul
- The Big Short / Michael Lewis
- Incognito: the secret lives of the brain / David Eagleman
I love, love, love James Hollis and have read all of his books. His lifes’ mission is to translate all of the works of Carl Gustav Jung; the Swiss psychotherapist and . . .

Interesting Stories & Websites To Visit In Your Spare Time and Like…Who Has Spare Time?
- Jimmy Moore livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/customer-tests-low-carb-bread-claims-requests-they-immediately-cease-sales/14568
- Google: Diet Doctor Low Carb Train Wreck & also www.dietdoctor.com/category/food/fake-low-carb-products
- A terrific animated video on diabetes and how it all works www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHRfDTqPzj4
- Shelley Schlender www.meandmydiabetes.com/2011/10/26/net-carbs-vs-fiber-carbs-jeff-vs-1-net-carb-bread
- A ton of good reading www.thecookandthecardiologist.com/thecookandthecardiologist.com/Hidden_Sugar.html
Dr. Robert Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through . . .

Internet Low Carb Writers & Bloggers
Internet Low Carb Writers & Bloggers
Steve Cooksey www.diabeteswarrior.com
Kyndra Holley www.peaceloveandlowcarb.com
Lisa MarcAurele www.lowcarbyum.com
Libby Jenkinson www.ditchthecarbs.com
Linda . . .