Does Paleo Money Trump Paleo Ethics?

Does Baking With Paleo Ingredients Always Adhere To The Paleo Diet?

Loren Cordain Ph.D., is the world’s leading expert on Paleolithic Diets and Founder of The Paleo Movement (taken from his website).

July 17th, 2014 Dr. Cordain tweeted (or perhaps retweeted) a link to an article of the 1st screenshot which he wrote last year (2013).  Today, one day later, my tweeted link goes to nowhere as shown in the 2nd screenshot.  Read The Original Article Here

After reading the article I tweeted to my Followers: Hey @JulianBakery I think Loren Cordain @ThePaleoDiet is talking about you  #Paleo #Bread #Coconut #Almond

I also tweeted Hey @JulianBakery I think @ThePaleoDiet is talking about you  @PaleoWrap @HeathSquier @PaleoInc @PaleoBread

Why, from literally one day to the next, was Loren Cordain not willing to stand by what he wrote a year ago? There must have been a reason for him to tweet the article in the first place and maybe, he forgot that he might also shoot himself in the (money) foot.

I don’t know the relationship between Loren Cordain & Heath Squier of the JULIAN BAKERY  and I do know that Heath Squier has pulled dangerous and unethical stunts including falsely labeling breads and patent infringement. I think the answer may lie in the 3rd screenshot. Dr. Cordain seems to be endorsing many of the Julian Bakery Paleo Products from his website. I find it interesting that Dr. Cordain probably makes money from any sale Julian Bakery makes that link from his site, and yet if you look at the site’s many Paleo Recipes there is not even one Julian Bakery product featured. Why would Dr. Cordain promote the products and not have recipes using those same items? It is obvious the website is up to date in that the JULIAN BAKERY ’s new Turmeric Wraps & Coconut Flakes cereal are featured.

I would absolutely welcome Dr. Cordain’s explanation for this sudden turn around and if I am wrong-I will apologize.  If the archived website goes down as well…we will have our answer.

To my knowledge Julian Bakery does not even actually “make” any of the products shown below. Do these really look like the products of any bakery you know ? As I know it, a bakery “bakes” and produces things.  JULIAN BAKERY  is now mostly (re)-selling processed foods and are processed foods really Paleo?

Caveat:  Screenshots are for educational purposes only and I receive zero compensation on this site for any product endorsement.




Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

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